Know before you Go: Copenhagen

Copenhagen Denmark Europe City Break Cherry Blossom

Copenhagen, the vibrant capital of Denmark, is a city where history meets modernity. Where centuries-old castles coexist with cutting-edge architecture, and where the cosy concept of “hygge” permeates every corner. I loved my journey to this enchanting city, and I want you to enjoy yours too. So in this guide, I have written down everything you should know before exploring Copenhagen.

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1. Embrace the Bicycle Culture:

Copenhagen is renowned for its bike-friendly streets and infrastructure. As I explored the streets, locals would whizz by on their bikes. So why not embrace the culture and explore the city on two wheels? Renting a bike is easy, with numerous rental shops scattered across the city. Pedal your way through picturesque streets, along canals, and to iconic landmarks like the Little Mermaid statue and Nyhavn. I did a self-guided walking tour of Copenhagen, but why not make it a self-guided bike tour instead?

2. Indulge in Danish Cuisine:

From savoury smørrebrød (open-faced sandwiches) to flaky pastries like wienerbrød, Copenhagen offers a culinary journey like no other. Don’t miss out on trying traditional Danish dishes at local eateries. Copenhagen is full of one of my favourite things in the world, food markets. By exploring vibrant food markets like Torvehallerne, you can sample a variety of local delicacies. I prefer food markets over a restaurant any day. A restaurant with a large menu is often a red flag to me, nine times out of ten they do a lot, but very little well. Food markets have a lot of stalls, competing with small menus, driving up the quality of the dishes.

3. Immerse Yourself in History:

Copenhagen boasts a rich history dating back centuries, and exploring its historic sites is a must. Visit the majestic Christiansborg Palace, stroll through the charming streets of the old town, and marvel at the iconic spires of Rosenborg Castle. History buffs will also appreciate a visit to the National Museum and the impressive Round Tower.

4. Experience Hygge:

Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) is a Danish concept of cosiness, relaxation, and contentment. Embrace the hygge lifestyle by cozying up in a café with a cup of hot chocolate, exploring the city’s green spaces like King’s Garden, or taking a leisurely canal cruise as you soak in the atmosphere. Hygge is one of my favourite things about Denmark. Who needs a souvenir when you can bring back hygge into your life?

5. Explore the Art and Design Scene:

Copenhagen is a hub of creativity and design, with a thriving art scene and innovative architecture. Spend a day wandering through galleries of the National Gallery of Denmark or exploring the Winter Garden at the Glyptotek. On a budget? No need to worry. Thanks to the Carlsberg Foundation, Art is accessible to everyone in Copenhagen. You can find many pieces out in the city for free, such as the Gefion Fountain or the Little Mermaid.

6. Embrace Sustainable Living:

Denmark is known for its commitment to sustainability, and Copenhagen is no exception. Explore Copenhagen using the public transportation system as it is so efficient and easy to use. With a choice of buses, trains, and the metro to help you get around, you can even opt for eco-friendly transportation options like electric scooters. Avoid the big chains that remind you of home, and support local businesses that prioritise sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

7. Be prepared for the Weather

City breaks can be unpredictable, and Copenhagen is no exception. Experiencing a temperate maritime climate, means mild summers, chilly winters, and unpredictable weather year-round. Be sure to pack layers and a waterproof jacket, and don’t let a little rain dampen your spirits. Embrace the Danish saying, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”

Exploring Copenhagen is a journey filled with history, culture, and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re wandering the cobblestone streets of the old town or savouring a Danish pastry in a cosy café, let the charm of this city captivate you at every turn. So pack your bags, hop on a bike, and get ready to discover the magic of Copenhagen.

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