
Skogafoss waterfall Golden Circle Travel Guide

Skogafoss in Focus: Chasing Falls in Iceland

We arrived at Skogafoss in our tour bus from Seljalandsfoss and Gljufrabuifoss. We had enjoyed great weather so far, but by the time we arrived the winds were starting to pick up. Nestled in the heart of Iceland’s awe-inspiring landscapes, Skogafoss stands as a testament to the country’s natural beauty. As I embarked on my […]

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Sun Voyager artwork sculpture in Reykjavik Iceland
Iceland Travel Tips

Best of Reykjavik Day Two: Your 48-Hour Guide

Welcome back to the enchanting city of Reykjavik! After a busy first day exploring the vibrant streets and iconic landmarks, our second day promises to be just as magical. If you havent read about Day One yet, you can do that here! But with a day where I spend a morning soaring over Iceland, a […]

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View from Hallgrimskirkja in Reykjavik Iceland
Iceland Travel Tips

Best of Reykjavik: Your 48-Hour Guide – Day One

Welcome to your 48 hour guide to Reykjavik! Having just finished my tour of the Golden Circle, it was time for me to explore Reykjavik. With so much on offer I wanted to make the most of my time here. We had arrived back in the city the night before. And with some good company, […]

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Wild Icelandic Horses on a post for a travel blog regarding Icelands tourist tax
Iceland Travel Tips

Iceland’s Tourist Tax: What You Need to Know

In its continuing efforts to sustain its pristine landscapes and unique heritage, Iceland has recently made the move to implement a tourist tax. This has come as a response to the increasing influx of visitors attempting to visit the country. The sheer number of visitors is putting pressure on the natural wonders, so the tax […]

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Iceland Aerial road on brads backpack travel blog
Iceland Know before you go Travel Tips

Know before you go: Iceland edition

If you want a country that has it all, Iceland is the place to go. Stunning landscapes, incredible food, relaxing lagoons and a sense of adventure. Iceland is a place that has something for everyone. But to get the most of your experience it’s worth knowing a few things. So with that heres everything you […]

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Northern Lights Green
Iceland Know before you go Travel Tips

The Northern Lights: Know before you go

The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon that can be found on nearly every traveller’s bucket list. Thousands of tourists flock to Reykjavik each year hoping to grab a glimpse of this sight. But not everyone is so lucky. Solar storms on the sun are sending electrically charged particles towards the earth, most of these […]

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Sólheimajökull Glacial Hike in the Golden Circle, Iceland

Sólheimajökull Glacier: beautiful hikes of Iceland

It’s no secret I love a hike, few things can beat fresh air and stunning panoramic views. So when I was offered the chance to hike up a glacier hike on my Golden Circle Tour I jumped at the opportunity.  Although our tour was run by G Adventures, the Glacier Hike experience was hosted by […]

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Gljúfrabúi Falls in the Golden Circle Iceland, near Seljalandsfoss

Gljúfrabúi: Icelands hidden waterfall

Just a short walk away from Seljalandsfoss is this hidden wonder. Gljúfrabúi (also known as Gljúfrabúifoss) is a waterfall tucked away within a cave which we were advised to visit by Francois, our tour guide. He said that despite our tight schedule it would be worth the walk. After enjoying the view from Seljalandsfoss, we […]

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Gullfoss Waterfall in the Golden Circle, Iceland, Winter

Gullfoss Unveiled: A Day at the Roaring Falls

Gullfoss is the furthest point from Reykjavik on the Golden Circle tour, so it’s often the one that’s visited last. The waterfall is the most powerful in all of Iceland, with the water falling over 105 feet across two tiers into the river gorge below. I came here as part of the Golden Circle tour […]

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seljalandsfoss in the Golden Circle, Iceland

Seljalandsfoss Unveiled: Behind the Cascade Curtain

We arrived at Seljalandsfoss about midday, like a lot of the viewing points in Iceland the waterfall dominates the view. So much so that we were scrambling to out our crampons on to get to the front as close as possible. Seljalandsfoss reaches an incredible 65m into the sky giving us a view that with […]

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