Best of Reykjavik Day Two: Your 48-Hour Guide

Sun Voyager artwork sculpture in Reykjavik Iceland

Welcome back to the enchanting city of Reykjavik! After a busy first day exploring the vibrant streets and iconic landmarks, our second day promises to be just as magical. If you havent read about Day One yet, you can do that here! But with a day where I spend a morning soaring over Iceland, a rejuvenating afternoon soaking in the Sky Lagoon, and a delightful evening at the Einstök Bar, day two is looking just as promising.

Originally my plans were to hike a Volcano in the morning, before soaking in the waters of the Blue Lagoon. However, like a lot of my excursions here, Iceland had other plans for me. The night prior in Einstök I got a text to say my excursion had been cancelled due to adverse weather. I tried to book the Blue Lagoon separately but it was full all day. Luckily I always have a backup plan of activities. And thanks to a pamphlet I found on my bus to Reykjavik I knew exactly where to go. 

Morning: Soaring High at FlyOver Iceland

Flyover Iceland flight simulator in Reykjavik for travel blog Brad Backpack

We decided our first stop should be the FlyOver Iceland experience. The morning’s weather had pretty much condemned us to indoor activities, but despite the snow we walked there. It just may have taken longer than Google Maps predicted. As I didn’t have an official booking we thought it best to get to the Old Harbour early. Unfortunately I should have checked the opening times, as we got to the door to find it was closed. I had also trodden in a puddle so my sock was soaked and freezing cold in the storm. But a quick google search took us to Kaffivagninn so we could warm up with a coffee (or hot chocolate for me) whilst we waited for FlyOver Iceland to open.

Eventually though it was opening time, and immediately I booked myself on. Even still I couldn’t get the first time slow due to bookings. But we got spaces on the next one and headed to the cafe inside and grabbed our second coffee (hot chocolate) of the morning. Soon enough it was time for our immersive flight simulation experience, taking us on a virtual journey across Iceland’s most stunning landscapes. The technology is state-of-the-art, and storytelling captivating making this a must-visit attraction for anyone seeking an adrenaline rush and a deep connection with Iceland. It is a fantastic experience for any age and educates on Iceland’s nature, its past and its belief in trolls. If you want to book a FlyOver Iceland experience, you can do that with Get Your Guide using the link or the widget below,.

Afternoon: Surrender to Serenity at Sky Lagoon

Sky Lagoon Spa in reykjavik

I can’t lie, my heart sank when I got the text the night before saying my Blue Lagoon ticket had been cancelled. But as always I have a backup plan, and a few weeks earlier my airline had emailed me about the Sky Lagoon. When I visited it had only been open a few months, so the facilities were brand-spanking new. So it was a no-brainer where I was going to go. Getting a taxi is really easy in Reykjavik, with a lot of venues having a button to summon one for you. 

The great thing about the Sky Lagoon is that its a lot closer to Reykjavik city centre than the Blue Lagoon. Making it a lot easier to fit into a day amongst other activities. The facilities here are absolutely stunning, from the swim-up bar to the infinity pool overlooking the Atlantic. It’s easy to forget how close you are to the city. Nestled in amongst the lava rocks the majority of buildings are blocked from view. 

Despite the crisp cold air I remained toasty and warm, and enjoyed my share of Gull beer from the bar. I didn’t opt for the 7 step ritual. However when I inevitably return to Iceland I will not make that mistake again. But after a week of exploring the cold, the mineral-rich waters was the perfect final activity for me to complete. I left feeling invigorated and refreshed, excited for my final evening ahead. If you want to book a treatment for the Sky Lagoon, you can do that with Get Your Guide using the link or the widget below.

Evening: Beer, Cocktails and Hot Dogs

Bæjarins beztu hot dog stand

If you read my post about the first 24 hours (and if you didn’t you can do that here) You will know of my love for Einstök. Whenever I travel I love to save my favourite bar for the final night. It just means I have a guaranteed warm memory to see-off my time in a new city. With fantastic cocktails it’s hard to go wrong. 

Of course after drinking it’s never wise to go to bed on an empty stomach (especially with an early-morning flight). And where else would be open at nearly 3am? Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur of course. Hot dogs are a much better night-out snack than the kebab as is tradition back in the Uk. They are also probably one of Reykjavik’s cheapest meals (which with Reykjaviks prices is probably saying something). Costing around £4 per hot dog. That didnt stop me order 2 or 3 at a time though. 

And that brings an end to my 48 hours in Reykjavik. If you skipped ahead and missed Day 1, you can read that here. But I hope it helped give you inspiration for your own trip. Read more details about what you can do in Reykjavik by clicking the link below. Or get out of the city and learn more about the Golden Circle.

Link to Reykjavik travel guide in Iceland
Link to Iceland's Golden Circle travel guide

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