LastSwab Original Review

LastObject LastSwab Review for a travel blog BradsBackpack

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Great for the environment, and a lot smaller than carrying disposables. If you’d like to buy one yourself, you can check out the link below to Amazon.

LastSwab Original: Our Verdict


  • Reusable
  • Easy to clean
  • Even with the case, it’s smaller than a pack of cotton swabs


  • Case is a lot larger than the swab, leaving empty space

Technical details

Dimensions (in the case)

11.1cm x 2.1cm x 2cm



Main Materials


LastSwab Original: First Impressions

Some things are hard to remove from our routine, and the best we can do is move to sustainable alternatives. The revolution that started with straws is now moving to our hygiene routine too thanks to companies like Last Object. Last Object sent me some of their swabs to review to see how they would perform when travelling. As always this review is entirely my own without any external influence.

This is the LastSwab Original from the LastObject brand, designed as a replacement for everyday cotton buds. I have come across eco-friendly alternatives to cotton swabs before, often replacing single-use plastic with bamboo. However, this is the first reusable option I have encountered.


LastObject LastSwab Review for a travel blog BradsBackpack

LastObject claims that their LastSwab Original is 8.3 times better for the environment than traditional single-use swabs. It takes just 35 uses for you to break even with CO2 emissions and can eliminate over 1,000 single-use swabs

What I really loved is that there is zero virgin plastic used in the manufacture of each swab. All the plastic used has been recovered from beaches and waterways. So, by buying a LastSwab, not only are you preventing more plastic from being added to the oceans, but you are also actively contributing to their cleanup too!


The LastSwab is made entirely of plastic. Usually, that’s something I try to avoid in a product. However, as I mentioned before, LastObject uses Ocean Bound Plastic, and it’s reusable. So, it’s taking harmful materials out of the environment and putting them to good use.


It does take a bit of getting used to, but it works exactly the same as a normal swab. Washing it with soap and water after each use and then packing it away, instead of throwing it in the bin, isn’t something that comes naturally. However, over time, it gradually starts to feel normal. It’s much easier to keep it in my wash bag full-time rather than remembering to refill with single-use swabs.


LastObject LastSwab Review for a travel blog BradsBackpack

Initially, I felt a little grossed out about the idea of a reusable swab. I know what a used swab looks like, and I know it isn’t pretty. But the point of testing is to be open-minded and be proven wrong, so I decided to test it. The part I was most concerned about was cleaning the swab when I was done.

However, I found that simply running it under water cleaned it completely. If any stubborn gunk gets stuck, you can also use soap. The same goes for the case; a bit of soapy water, and it’s back to being like new.


The LastSwab is considerably smaller than a regular pack of single-use swabs, but the case does add a bit of bulk. Nevertheless, it’s still very small and easy to carry. They claim the case will last 5 years, so if something happens to the swab, you can save plastic by purchasing a refill.

LastSwab Original: Final Thoughts

Although I was skeptical at first, I must admit that I have become a convert. I won’t be going back to disposables anytime soon. It’s a simple and uncomplicated solution, the materials are responsibly sourced, and it feels premium which is an odd thing to say about a swab.

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